Terms & Conditions

1. Vehicle Registration:

You are purchasing an allotted amount of time for tuning which is a service. If your car cannot be tuned due to it not being in the proper running condition, your time is still expiring. The time allotted is a standard two‐hour block and unless verbal or written consent by Narco is agreed upon, further charges may be induced every hour post the initial two‐hour block. Any time that is spent with repairs and/or modifications of the vehicle to appropriately complete the tuning may be subject to extra tuning or hourly labor rate that is under the discretion of Narco Management.

ALL cars are smoke tested and/or pressure tested to check for vacuum leaks prior to being placed in a tuning atmosphere.

This is NOT included in the price of the tune. Any parts, chemicals, lubricants, hardware and/or components used by Narco to successfully complete the tuning session will be additional. This charge is in addition to the charge for dyno time. Testing and tuning may and/or will push your vehicle to its mechanical limits. It is your responsibility to ensure that your car is in good working order and capable of handling the stresses incurred when your car’s limits are reached.

It is advised to speak with the tuner or mechanical reference in order to properly modify or change the tuning or products to ensure the benefits are not out‐weighed by the costs of repairs. Narco Tuning Ltd is in no way responsible for ANY damage to your vehicle incurred before, during or after your vehicle is operated tuned and being operated via the tuner and mechanic. Any damage caused to the vehicles transmission, transfer assembly, engine, tires, clutch, brakes etc. is the responsibility of the vehicle(s) owner. Circumstances can arise during the tuning that is beyond the control of the tuner and Narco Tuning ltd.

Narco have no responsibility for any damages that may occur to the said vehicle, as this is an aftermarket product or service that may hinder the reliability and longevity of the vehicle. I hereby acknowledge that I am aware of the potential risks involved with dyno testing / tuning and that I waive any and all claims against Narco Tuning ltd for ANY damage to my vehicle as a result thereof.   Vehicles and their contents are left entirely at the owner risk.

Narco tuning do not accept responsibility for any loss or damage to vehicles or their contents. Should your vehicle be required to stay at Narco tuning, please remove all valuables and personal belongings. Your vehicle will be kept on site, under CCTV surveillance outside unless otherwise stated.


2. Pricing Terms:

All prices are subject to a 10% discount, if invoice is cleared on the date of issue. Should payment be made by other means, NARCO must be notified at the earliest convenience to amend invoice appropriately   Unless otherwise stated all prices are EXCLUSIVE of VAT

All published prices are subject to change without prior notice. On no account may cancellation be accepted for any order. Orders may be modified after prior negotiation and agreement.